Everyday it seems sex dolls are becoming more and more realistic. Sex doll manufacturer WM Doll has announced a prototype of a self-lubricating sex doll vagina that allows users to forgo the lube for a more realistic experience.
Over the years sex doll engineers have focused primarily on perfecting the looks and feel of sex dolls. As you can tell from photos of sex dolls, they have done a pretty darn good job of this. Current dolls on the market look and feel more realistic than ever before, but they are still lacking some of the finer features that make sex with a real woman marginally better. In recent months we’ve seen the release of sex dolls with body heat, touch activated moaning sound, and even some ambitious doll makers that have added voice capabilities. However, until now, no one has proposed a solution to vagina lubrication problem.
How does it work?
WM Doll has created a replaceable vagina sleeve that can be inserted into a sex doll and sits right behind the labia of the sex dolls vagina. Inside the vaginal sleeve is a small reservoir of lubrication that is activated by water. The user simply has to add a small amount of water to the vagina before use and the vagina will lubricate itself in a matter of seconds. The sleeve will last up to 50 uses before it must be replaced with another one.
Self-lubricating vagina video
Here we have a video from WM Doll demonstrating how the vagina sleeve works and it’s effectiveness when compared to a non-lubricated vagina sleeve.
Want to try it yourself? Head on over to our recommended sex doll retailer Silicon Wives.
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