Just like they say, “the finest gold has to go through the hottest fire, the sex doll industry is an example of an industry that has undergone an extended spell of hate and ridicule which has turned out as a resilience developer for the multi-million industry. Initially, not only was the use of sex dolls prohibited but talking about the subject in public was also a taboo. However, thanks to the sustained developments and modification on the sex robots as well as the realization of the amazing perks that the sexbots come with, more people are now using if not owning a sex doll.
Among the numerous perks of the robotic sex dolls is their ability to play the role of the third wheel in a relationship. And unlike the human third wheelers, the sex doll will only bring you together in an incredible way. How is that? One would ask. Well, let me tell you how.
The sex robot provides an alternative for having sex with especially when only one partner is craving for sex at the particular moment. This alternative is a completely safe one compared to visiting brothels and the other partner doesn’t have to worry about being cheated on. Isn’t that amazing? I bet you agree with me.
Men, especially, want to have sex when the woman is desperate to have the sex with him. They basically don’t want sex when it’s clear the woman will not enjoy as much. And this in itself can be the means to a hoard of sexual problems with divorce being a possibility. The sex dolls, come in to offer the man in such a scenario an alternative that is safe and the woman doesn’t have to have sex when they don’t feel like it. Incredible! Right?
Sergi Santos, the creator of one of the most innovative Artificial Intelligence controlled robotic sex dolls, Samantha, is one man that attributes his successful marriage to the sexbots. He states that the sex robot provided an invaluable help as it would help him release the sexual desires when the wife was not in the mood.
SOURCE; https://sputniknews.com/viral/201804131063526390-sex-robots-marital-assistance/
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